Part 1: Advance Java
Session 1 - Introduction to Databases
Ø DDL, DML Statements
Ø Creating, Updating, Altering Tables
Ø Querying Databases
Session 2 - JDBC-1
Ø JDBC Architecture
Ø Types of JDBC Drivers
Session 3 - JDBC-2
Ø Statement
Ø PreparedStatement
Ø Implementing JDBC in GUI Applications
Session 4 - JDBC-3
Ø Callable Statements
Ø Executing Stored Procedures Through JDBC
Session 5 - RMI
Ø Remote Method Invocation
Ø Implementing Client and Server
Session 6 - HTML/JavaScript
Ø Brief HTML Tutorial
Ø Brief JavaScript Tutorial
Session 7 - Servlets-1
Ø The Servlet Model
Ø HTTP Request/Response
Ø GET/POST Methods
Ø Request/Response Headers
Ø Installation and Configuration of Tomcat
Ø Running a Basic Servlet Application
Ø The Container Model
Ø The Servlet Life Cycle